An example of Randall's marriage ceremonies:
We have gathered together today
as a community of family and friends
to affirm the many blessings
that X and Y will receive
as they commit themselves to marriage
Marriage is an institution that is taken very seriously
by every human society on the planet
In our land marriage is based on a legal contract
to ensure that it is not entered into lightly or irresponsibly
All spiritual traditions regard marriage
as a sacred pact that binds two people together
Our marriage ceremony today
is not a religious one
but where appropriate it draws on
a rich tapestry of ideas
taken from various ancient traditions
X and Y want a marriage
that is based on a broad human spirituality
one formed by our evolving consciousness
and informed by an ecological intelligence
so important in their value system
So we start this ceremony with a blessing
from a fairly unusual source:
May your vows and this marriage be blessed.
May it be sweet milk,
this marriage, like wine and halvah.
May this marriage offer fruit and shade
like the date palm.
May this marriage be full of laughter,
every day a day in paradise.
May this marriage have a fair face and a good name,
an omen as welcome as the moon in a clear blue sky.
We are out of words to describe
how spirit mingles with spirit in this marriage
Sufism: Rumi
Out of the wild exuberance of creation
after millions and millions of years
you two have emerged
each of you distinctive, wondrously unique
You have chosen to journey together
through this earth’s valleys and mountains
in the brief moment of time that is yours
From this day forward
you become a single, complex unit of life
that will bring forth futures of many kinds
You are both called into a new existence
the old things have passed away
and a new life and a new space
is now your dwelling place
For a miraculous love has come to each of you
in the form of this special person
who now stands with you at your side
Love is fidelity over the long haul
“Entreat me not to leave you…
for wherever you go, I will go”
whether it be in the battle for excellence
in the tension of differences
in the travail of defeat, or
in the joy of being warmly human together
Love is receiving the feelings, thoughts
and intentions of the other
into your own understanding
Love is creating together
your very own special culture
and working tirelessly together
to care for planet Earth, our only home
Love is being totally absorbed with each other
in the busy streets of the world’s great capitals
Love is mountain biking together
across Africa ’s challenging wilderness
until the adrenaline lifts body and soul
to new heights of ecstasy
Love is sitting close together
on our wondrous beaches
as the silence of the dying day
transforms into the songs of the living night
Love is listening together
to the murmur of meaning
hidden within music
until the harmonies of its magic
pulse also in you
Love is talking together
about insignificant things
and significant things
until a few great words
and a few great people
have a similar meaning for both of you
and both of you know that this is so
Finally, Y and X
Love is immersing yourselves
in the mystery of life
and living with deep purpose and power
in all you do together and alone
Y and X you are doing something wonderful today
You are declaring openly and publicly to all people
and particularly to us, your core community
your joyful and loving commitment to one another
and to any children you may be lucky enough to have
Such a happy occasion seems to be a good time
to express our gratitude for everything of value
that surrounds the two of you
For families and friends
Who nourish and support us
Who stand by us through all
Our trials and triumphs
And occasional mediocrity
For food and shelter
For the bounty and variety
Of veld and farm
For the majesty of the mountains
And the restless power of the seas
For fun and laughter
For challenges and risks
For the skill of sport
And the flair of art
For the promise of new technology
For the learning that comes
With good times and bad times
For the deep principles of life
That lie hidden just below
The surface of every experience
For the lessons of history
For the inspiring lives of spiritual giants
The creative excellence of scientists and artists
Whose lives and work enlighten our living
And expand our horizons
For the powerful potential of this marriage
For their warmth and grace
For their beautiful bodies and minds
For their delight in each other
For X & Y together, at last
X, will you take Y to be your wife in a marriage committed to the highest and best of human spiritual values?
X: I will
Y, will you take X to be your husband in a marriage committed to the highest and best of human spiritual values?
Y: I will
X and Y together:
I add my breath to your breath
that our days may be long on the earth
that the days of our people may be long
that we shall be as one family
that we may finish the road together
Native American Tradition: Pueblo Marriage
Who on behalf of Y’s family and friends
Declares sponsorship and support
For her in this marriage
Y’s Parents: We do
Who on behalf of X’s family and friends
Declares sponsorship and support
For him in this marriage
X’s Parents: We do
X to Y:
I call upon these persons here present to witness that I, X, now take you Y to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day onward, in good times and bad, in sickness and in health. I will love and honour you all the days of my life
Y to X:
I call upon these persons here present to witness that I, Y, now take you X to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day onward, in good times and bad, in sickness and in health. I will love and honour you all the days of my life
X and Y together:
We swear by peace and love to stand
Heart to heart and hand in hand
Mark O Spirit, and hear us now
Confirming this our Sacred Vow
Ancient Druidic Vow
As a symbol of their commitment to one another, X is giving Y a ring which he will now place on Y's left hand, fourth finger, and holding her hand he will say:
I give you this ring
in the presence of our families and friends
as a symbol of my love and trust
and in the hope that the spirit of love
will be ever present in our lives
Y responds with her acceptance of the ring and all it symbolises
I accept your ring
in the presence of our families and friends
as a symbol of our love and trust
and in the hope that the spirit of love
will be ever present in our lives
X and Y have declared before all of us here today that they will live together in a marriage of love and peace
They have made special promises to each other, and declared each other to be the most important person in their lives
I therefore pronounce them to be husband and wife
May your life together be joyful and exciting
May you experience great depths of love
and wonderful heights of passion
And may your internal and interpersonal integrity
be utterly unshakeable!
Offered by selected close friends and family
May the Great Spirit send his choicest gifts to you
May the Sun father and the Moon mother
shed their softest beams on you
May the four winds of heaven blow gently upon you
and upon those with whom
you share your heart and home
(Mexican Coahuila Blessing)
May your friends comfort you
your children bless you
and all people live in peace with you
May you become the embodiment
of care and love in the world
so that the afflicted and the needy
will find you to be generous friends
indeed, angels of the Good Spirit
May your love make a home
where friends from all over the world
meet for good fellowship and recreation
for the play of mind upon mind
and the laughter and warmth
that heals the lesions of the soul
And may the spirit of creativity, energy and life
be with us all, now and always.
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